Host Encounter At Your School!

A step by step process to bring Encounter to your school

This is a short video for you, and whoever is approving Encounter, to watch so you can get an idea of what it looks like to host the Encounter Tour at your church.

Step 1: Watch This Video

Step 2: Review Our Hosting Expectations

Below is a list of expectations that we have if you were to agree to host our team. If the prospect of hosting us seems too large for your community to handle, that’s ok! We would love to talk with you and discuss other options on how we can partner with your school.

Facility Space

Performance space specs

  • Our ideal stage dimensions are 40 feet wide, 15 feet high and 20 feet deep, however, our set is modular and can be altered to fit most spaces. If your facility cannot meet these requirements, please connect with us and we can find a solution together.


  • For all of our audio, video, and lighting we require 10 dedicated 15amp circuits.

Room for our personal belongings

  • We ask that you provide a room for our team’s personal belongings. 

Storage for gear

  • We ask that you would have ready a space for us to store our empty cases and equipment. We travel with enough gear to fill a 20 foot box truck. We understand some hosts may not be able to do this - and in this case we will store our equipment in our truck. 

Clear the space

  • We will be traveling fully equipped to set up and perform our entire show. This includes an entire sound and lighting system. We ask that you would kindly clear your stage or the area that we will be performing in so we can set up in a timely manner. 

Step 3: Respond To Your Encounter Contact

After watching the video and reviewing the expectations, please let us know if your church would like to host the Encounter Tour. If you do not have a contact you can fill out the form below.